Delta Kappa Epsilon
- Beta Delta -
"The Gentleman, The Scholar, The Jolly Good Fellow"

Brady Kay
Jun 3, 2024
So far this year it has been an exciting time of growth for the beta delta chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon. As a chapter we have accomplished many goals and exceeded many expectations. Prior to the new year the groundwork for this year was laid with a few big moments. Late in 2023 we received the exciting news that beta delta was officially pursuing our first official chapter house. Following this excitement we held elections for our spring cabinet as well as our executive board for 2024! Many new people stepped up and took leadership positions within the chapter for the first time.
Some highlights of the semester occurred on the social front of our chapter. We hosted social events with a wide variety of sororities using a wide variety of exciting themes. Our brothers also were able to have a blast with our assortment of date nights highlighted by a trampoline park date night that made everyone feel like they were a kid again! Not only that but DKE headed up to Gatlinburg and had a phenomenal time during our formal where we were able to explore the city as well as the mountains around it. As a chapter we were able to stay extremely socially active thanks to the many events put on by our social director LA Isham (Class of 2026).
The beta delta chapter prides itself on being extremely involved in the philanthropic and community service aspects of our brotherhood. Community service chair Kenneson Morris was able to put together a number of events with a number of organizations highlighted by his two huge Habitat for Humanity events where brothers helped build affordable housing for local Athens families. As a chapter we were able to complete over 150 hours of service over the course of the spring semester. In terms of philanthropy we were able to host our first ever dunk a DKE philanthropy event this spring where we raised over 1100 dollars for the organization Family Promise of Athens. Philanthropy director Nick Hasnain did an excellent job in his first position in our chapter.
Overall, the beta chapter has done an excellent job of growing both our chapter and the passion surrounding the brotherhood. Whether that be the huge success of the spring party, the incredible progress we made in academics or the excellent turnout at the Greek day of service our chapter is excited to see what we can accomplish next semester and of course we look forward to moving into our new chapter house next semester. Go dawgs!
Brady G. Kay
Corresponding Secretary